I tried the new PointEditor 2d and 3d in vvvv_50alpha34.106_x64
I wanted to save my points - It wrote something in the save.xml but it couldn’t load it
I think there is something missing in the help patch
I wanted to have a look in VL to find the error but I’m realy noob (Deserializer, FromSerialPoint - WHAT?)
the Editors are fixed in the latest Alphas.
Would you please check them?
Here is a short explanation about VL and WHAT: the points we’re juggling in the Editors have more info than necessary for saving/loading them, that’s why a new (smaller) object SerialPoint is created before saving the points. After loading the points we need to create our internal points FromSerialPoint(s). Serializer/Deserializer (Json) converts an object into a string which can be easily saved/loaded to/from a simple textfile.