New laptop and fresh install of vvvv, ive run the crack and get the green boxes but no patch window appears

I am trying to load vvvv on a lenovo laptop running vista 32bit. It has a geforce NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT.

I have run the crack app and I am getting all green and it says I am good to go, but when I try and load vvvv no patch window appears.

Can anyone suggest a fix for this?


Just tried running in administrator mode still no patch window…

Hello kitw,

Sometimes its simply the problem of OS incase you used restore point or virus. I had similar problem and what fixed me was to install win 7 freshly and installing other components through web setup from crack.exe

I suppose for XP and vista you need to check service packs and miscellaneous, troubleshooting can be painful.

Hi. I’ve stepped into this once, trying to show a friend vvvv 27.1 on his Vista equipped laptop.

I solved all issues adding .net 3.5sp1 and then reinstalling all other dependencies, included those reported to be ok (dx9 was missing).

Hope it helps.


you could also try to run vvvv with the
option and show us what the .log file returns…

how are you extracting the files from the ZIP? try different methods or WinRAR. seen it fix same issue - no promises though.