Hallo, I read this a few times, didn’t understand the question.
is there any thread in the forum or any other refence where i can find out about building a complex network of ‘nodes’ and connections?
In vvvv we call the ‘building’ blocks ‘nodes’ and the lines connecting the input pins and the output pins connections. A group of these that does ‘something’ is called a patch. (the files that ends with .v4p)
Wat do you mean with nodes, are you talking about vvvv nodes, or network/internet nodes/hubs?
You have to read the basic documentation, follow the tutorials and open all the ‘patches’ in girlpower, best way to learn me thinks.
If you are already past that, and I have misread the question, can you please re-formulate it?? (and I apologies)
the sample that gregsn sent: ‘network vis.v4p’ is - i think - what i m looking for.
when i open the sketch i can see spheres and line jumping around on the screen. but there is no direct connection in between them.
i would want the objects/network-nodes to be static and their position to be definable by me.
the ‘network nodes’ being images (jpg, png) taken out of a folder.
the idea for the installation is that visitors in the installation are tracked, and then represent these nodes.
that they are becoming part of the network.
note that the upper part of the patch is only for random net generation (you might want to use another principle to generate node positions and connections).
the lower part of the patch is for node & link drawing and should demonstrate how easy it is to define a net and combine the node and link element to a visual representation of the net…