Multiply Images

I would like to multiply the streams of images for the screen; I have tried in various methods but the result does not satisfy me.
Thank you All!
Patch.vl (49.3 KB)

hello apache

please rephrase your question.
we don’t know what is satisfactory to you


hello schlonzo,
what happens now in the renderer, that is the flow of images that descends diagonally, I would like to multiply it, repeat it several times on the screen until it is filled.
Yours sincerely

If you are still trying to recreate that picture you originally posted (how to do the random), I suggest you keep the extra render pass, which I added in my patch, to avoid that heavy jittering.

ATM you exit the ForEach region and apply the translation coming from MAP to all of your objects, so they can’t move individually. You have to provide a different transform FOREACH of them.

Have a look at my patch. Now each object has its own LFO. I provide a spread with different timings for each of them, so they all move at a different speed. Still, each of them would move in the same diagonal line, since each map function can just output the same range. (-1 to 1)

To displace them horizontally I have a linear spread to generate different x positions for the elements. Inside the region, I add those values to the animated Map values, so each object is moved to the left or right, while still moving diagonally.

This is all about transformation hierarchy. Take one step at a time, work with few objects, color them distinctly so that you really know what is happening on the screen. Output data from regions in IO boxes to actually see what happens with you data inside the regions.

Patch.vl (60.5 KB)

wow!! Thank you very much schlonzo

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