
Seems that i’m not able to get any descent rendering from the girlpower’s multiple rendertargets patch…Am I missing something?

multiple rendertargets-DirectX Renderer_2008.01.18-16.31.19.jpg (382.7 kB)

     MSWindows XP Pro
     IntelCore2 T7200 @ 2.00Ghz
     2,00 Go RAM
     Nvidia Geforce 7700 (Forceware 97.95)

can you try with latest forceware (169.21 as of this writing)

got the same pb here

XP Pro SP2
T7500, 2.2Ghz
Nvidia 8600M GT (forceware 169.09)

cannot try 169.21 as they are not on

The problem with Nvidia’s forcewares for laptop is the non-availibilty of the spanmode…will try anyway and report there…and shit seems the same with latest drivers from laptop2go!!
Any other workin recommanded drivers for laptops around there?

it seems to be linked with the depthbuffer of the first renderer

if set to “none”, it works

Perfect it was a depthbuffer issue…