Multiline text rendering EX9

hello everybody!

I hope not to be the fourth or fifth guy to ask this question…
Tried searching the vvvvorums but with no success.

Currently I got stuck at a problem concerning dynamic text-rendering. I’m using the Text (EX9) node in order to put my output on the screen. Now I got the requirement to render the text to a “box” of a fixed width an scale it vertically downwards.

Now I played a lot with the “size”, “normalize” and Text X/Y output pins, but I am not able to put everything in the right order.

Found out, that the Rect X/Y is necessary to define the borders of my “textfield”.
But still I am not able to get the right proportion between scaling, width and placement. Whenever I decrease the size for example, the text is scaling, not wrapping.

What am I doing wrong here? I was not able to find a tutorial, which explains the relation between rect x/y, Multiline WordWrap and so on.

Hope someone here is able to give me a hint… otherwise i’d have to do everything in Flash instead :-/

Attached you find the patch which I used for testing and playing with the params.

Thank you and have a great 2010!

multiline_txt.v4p (15.1 kB)

actually my question goes along with vedrans here:

Great 2010 to you too!! :)

Seems like the TextSizeXY doesn’t use the transform you feed the Text with, but when I did an applytransform, everything seems to work.

Dirty work around, use the Scale node to scale, and the translate node to move.

Hope it helps, a bit.

Great 2010 to you too!! :)

Seems like the TextSizeXY doesn’t use the transform you feed the Text with, but when I did an applytransform, everything seems to work.

Dirty work around, use the Scale node to scale, and the translate node to move.

Hope it helps, a bit.

multiline_txt2.v4p (15.0 kB)

Hey West!

Thanks a lot for your reply! Your “tricks”-page already helped me out a lot. Big thank you for this as well!

Yesterday evening I found a small workaround by myself.

Actually I used separate Translate and Scale for the Background Quad in order to fit it right. Then I divided the TextSize X/Y Output by the size-param (150 by default) and got something like a line-count in response.

This i used on the scale for the quad, so it rescaled according to the “textfield-height”. Afterwards i inserted another Translate (the “top/left reg.”) in order to have a registration point for the quad on the top left corner… surprise ;)

With this information used on another translate, now I can attach new objects below the first textbox and put them in the right distance, even with changing text-amount and lines or text-sizes.

I was also surprised, the Vertical Align to “TOP” worked for the node in MultiLineWordWrap.

Horizontal Alignment to “LEFT” only works, if I turn off the “Normalize”-pin to “none”. So my workaround was to use a large scale… But in this case the Alignment works an I have full controll over the positioning.

Sorry if this method seems a little weird. I’m new to the vvvv-business and trying to learn as fast as possible :)


Hey West!

Thanks a lot for your reply! Your “tricks”-page already helped me out a lot. Big thank you for this as well!

Yesterday evening I found a small workaround by myself.

Actually I used separate Translate and Scale for the Background Quad in order to fit it right. Then I divided the TextSize X/Y Output by the size-param (150 by default) and got something like a line-count in response.

This i used on the scale for the quad, so it rescaled according to the “textfield-height”. Afterwards i inserted another Translate (the “top/left reg.”) in order to have a registration point for the quad on the top left corner… surprise ;)

With this information used on another translate, now I can attach new objects below the first textbox and put them in the right distance, even with changing text-amount and lines or text-sizes.

I was also surprised, the Vertical Align to “TOP” worked for the node in MultiLineWordWrap.

Horizontal Alignment to “LEFT” only works, if I turn off the “Normalize”-pin to “none”. So my workaround was to use a large scale… But in this case the Alignment works an I have full controll over the positioning.

Sorry if this method seems a little weird. I’m new to the vvvv-business and trying to learn as fast as possible :)


text_multiline_workaround.PNG (26.5 kB)

me too…my renderer ex9 not showing the text…