Mouse bug


just discovered a bug concerning the use of the mouse in vvvv33_beta8.1 i’ve never encountered before:

simply put, dragging and connecting isn’t possible anymore. when i place the mouse over a node it turns into a two-side-array, allowing me only to change the size of the node. changing the position and connecting nodes doesn’t work (which means i can’t use vvvv anymore !)

also trying to change the value of an iobox only results in resizing !

i encountered this bug on a new dell inspiron 6000 laptop with a logitech mouse, (but with the touchpad it’s the same). i’m on windows xp pro.

any hints ?


you mean this is always the case? anytime you start vvvv behaves like this? or are you doing specifically funny things to it before it happens to act so?


you mean this is always the case? anytime you start vvvv behaves like this? or are you doing specifically funny things to it before it happens to act so?

no, just on vvvv start. no funny things. fresh copy of vvvv downloaded.

humm. this is really odd. never heard of anything like this…

can you create new nodes? double left oder right click? does the menu work on the middle mouse button? you could try creating the Renderer (TTY) node and see if there are some errormessages.


That’s REALLY weird… I often use vvvv with a Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop and I never encountered this problem. I don’t think the problem comes from vvvv…

hi, all

first: thanks for all your answers. still i haven’t got any clue what causes this weirs mouse misbehaviour. seems like every mouseclick is considered a right-click. i made a screenshot .avi of me trying to connect two nodes together, that you can download here:

maybe that’s revealing to some of the vvvv wizards…

doubleclicking to create a node seems to work (although every node has a strange “twin” next to it) and getting a node-list via right-click is also there. still no chance to make a connection.

i’m using lots of other software on my machine, including MAX and PD. no mouse problems on any other program…

sorry to say.


no problem to say…

thanks the video i think its now easy to diagnose. “mouse bug” just didn’t ring a bell for me. its seems to be the old and well known dpi-bug.

rightclick on your desktop > properties > advanced > allgemein (i.e. the first tab)
here you need to set your dpi settings to: 96

now everything should be a lot…tighter
(and i could really finally have a look at the code…it shouldn’t be to hard to fix. lazy boy)

no problem to say…

thanks the video i think its now easy to diagnose. “mouse bug” just didn’t ring a bell for me. its seems to be the old and well known dpi-bug.

rightclick on your desktop > properties > advanced > allgemein (i.e. the first tab)
here you need to set your dpi settings to: 96

now everything should be a lot…tighter
(and i could really finally have a look at the code…it shouldn’t be to hard to fix. lazy boy)

ahhh, so that’s it. yes, my dpi is set to 120 (otherwise, with a native resolution of 1920 x 1200, my dioptries would double within a month or so ;-)

no problem though to return back to 96 for vvvv editing ;-)



good to hear.

off topic:
i also run the 1920x1200er res…and like it very much… you know that instead of changing dpi settings you could also adjust the font size of all individual desktop elements?! and Strg+Mousewheel is your friend in firefox!