More than one dx9 texture

How do you renderer more than one DX9 mesh on screen, but control their positions independantly? I can use the Group(ex9) node to render two ex9 mesh objects (both from x files) in one window, but since the renderer itself containts x,y,z controls for viewing the objects, they both move around the render screen together, i want to be able to move them independantly so i can see both of them in different parts of the render window?

I am sure this is an easy thing to solve, which leads me to my next question. Is there a resource for me to look at that contains more detailed descriptions about each node, more detailed than just the info in the tooltip that pops up in vvvv? Or is that what the F1 function is designed to do? You just select a new node and hit F1 to see what it does? I was wondering if there was some kinda txt or html file about all the nodes?


a transform (3d) node connected to the shader (not the renderer) will move the objects individually

Or is that what the F1 function is designed to do?
You just select a new node and hit F1 to see what it does?

exactly. that is how it is supposed to work with about 99% of all nodes.
does it work?

I was wondering if there was some kinda txt or html file about all the nodes?
yes, we´re finally working on this. just wait some days more…

cool, i think i got it working. Yup, F1 help works fine, just involves some leg work. looking forward to te new docs…