I’d like to change some parameters in the Camera (Transform Orbit) module.
With previous versions (before VL), i just had to save the module in my project folder, and I could modify any parameter without erasing the original module.
What would be the best way to do this in a clean way with VL? (without erasing the original VVVV camera module ?)
I tried Save AsVVVV.Cameras.vl, but without success…
ok, so first you’ll still have to make a copy of the Camera (Transform Orbit) module. this step is the same as it was previously. sidenote: with beta>35 you can clone any module from the nodebrowser by ctrl-clicking it. basically equivalent to opening it and running SaveAs…
then: if your change is going to be in OrbitCameraControls you can simply start by cloning from a standard vl-template and copy the content of the OrbitCameraControls over. modify that to your liking and in the Camera (Transform Orbit) module then simply replace your new controls with the original one.
same workflow if you want to make a change in the main Camera [3d.Transform] patch.
note that we separate between VL and VVVV library in that we have the main patches in VL.Cameras.vl and VVVV.Cameras.vl only providing wrappers for vvvv. if you don’t want to think about future-vl-compatibility of your code for now (as we do) you simply can spare the extra vvvv wrapper. hope that makes sense…
When I copy/paste the content into an empty VL template, the nodes with the right arrow (subpatchs?) are not copied.
So these subpatchs stays red, without the right arrow in the new template.
When I try to re-create them (with “add node at cursor”, then choosing the right “patch/record/class” type), they stay red or transparent…
I need to dive in the VL tutorials and grey book before going further, I need the basics!
ok, [quote=“joreg, post:2, topic:14723”]
note that we separate between VL and VVVV library in that we have the main patches in VL.Cameras.vl and VVVV.Cameras.vl only providing wrappers for vvvv. if you don’t want to think about future-vl-compatibility of your code for now (as we do) you simply can spare the extra vvvv wrapper. hope that makes sense…
this part is important. did you understand it?
let’s assume you don’t need/want the extra wrapper that we are using…
so in your video you’re correctly cloning the OrbitCameraControls. inside you find only a node implemented in VL.Camera.vl. i’d suggest you go there, copy everything and place it into your cloned patch. then work from there. see?