OK - this is a fairly random list, but here are some suggestions from me for various improvements to VVVV. Mostly in terms of stuff to allow more flexible user control of patches.
New IO box modes:
“One of N” toggle boxes - like a spread of toggles except that only one can be selected at a time.
Slider constrained to integer values only.
Slider that moves to the click position instead of having to be dragged
(Advanced) Some kind of slider which can take an input to set the value while also allowing the user to override
Also, it would be good if the colour of patches (particularly IO boxes) could be configured to create some visual differentiation.
but… the gui elements in vvvv are not really ment to make interactive controls with it. if you change values with it, the vvvv thread is blocked. the far better solution is to make your own gui elements in the gdi or dx renderer. there are some of them around here like sanch modules and others…
if you change values with it, the vvvv thread is blocked.
Not sure what you mean by this. Can you clarify? At least on my VVVV the thread continues to run even if you are editing values in IOboxes
the far better solution is to make your own gui elements in the gdi or dx renderer
I want to mix what is effectively live-coding with some control over existing scrips hence the desire to have a working UI in the programing environment. GUI elements in the renderer are interesting, but look quite expensive (in terms of CPU%) for the benefits.
You can patch those first toggles yourself (Iobox set to bang + S+H).
Thanks, I realised this after I posted. Still if you want visual feedback you need an “input” spread and a separate “output” spread which isn’t so pretty.