So I tried to find a fix in vl, failed, patched a workaround in vvvv, and cleaned up the patch, which demonstrates my expectation, and the current (alpha35.4) behaviour.
thanks for the report, had a brief look into it. it could be that a midi file has multiple tracks but all tracks send their messages on midi channel 0. in the case of the goldberg variations it is possible that all tracks just play a piano on channel 0, where track 1 is the left hand and track 2 the right hand.
but i am not 100% sure. anyhow, we are doing some more midi stuff at the moment and we can check it in detail in the process.
also, with some tinkering, I managed to add an Indexer to the foreach loop, and then copy-pasted my way out of vl. this is basically what’s needed to color the preview track-wise.
what tonfilm said here is correct and thus this is not a bug, as the node returns exactly what is in the file. but true it is a stolperstein as already mentioned by @seltzdesignhere. to achieve what you were expecting check how i used only one Select (Color) node at the right place: MidiFile (Midi) nobug.v4p (115.6 KB)
I will mark the thread as solved, even though I am not completely satisfied with the “solution”, because it feels more like a work around. imo this vital piece of information should be outputted by the node itself.
on a side node: is there a way to slim down on the redundant BinSize pins on the vl nodes?