Midi reconnect

There has already been a discussion in 2011, titled “MIDI reconnect”, which petered out without result. Yet it is still a thing. It would be immensely helpful to be able to replug a midi device w/o having to restart vvvv. Any help on the horizon? Thanks,

I have made it a habit to run my midi controller in a separate instance that I can kill if I loose midi connection. Then I just send via UDP to the main instance.

Hi Sune,
I guess that means there was no final solution. Separate instances for all the various projects with its various midi controller configurations … sounds difficult. Guess some virtual Midi routing, MidiOx/virtualMidi based, will basically do the same

No, there is no real fix of this, there are a couple of workarounds though that in one way or the other have a reconnect function built in.

you can use vux’ todomap, which is for my use way overkill,
you can use the midi nodes in VAudio, there i no direct replacement functionally of the midi nodes, so you have to do a bit of patching yourself.
if you use Ableton Live anyway, then make some Max4Live devices that send the relevant data via OSC.

I myself have a long time ago made this patch that I use almost always when I need simple midi, it saves the controller values, so if you need to restart the patch, it start with the same values as when you left it, perhaps I should make it into a module some day:

midi2udp.v4p (18.4 KB)
I run this patch in it’s own vvvv instance with command line parameter /allowmultiple

the nice thing about this is that it is incredibly easy to send this over network to other machines so if you run the same patch on multiple machines, you can easily control all of them by broadcasting

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ok. will check out the patch, thanks for posting.

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