After 1 hour puzzeling and reading I finaly got my MIDI device working :)
(see my Wiki Page for the one I am using)
Was prety easy once you know I how…
I am only using MidiNote (devices) node, I connect the output to a stalone, so I can use a note as a seperate press off a button.
But I wondered what Buffer lenght means, standard it was set at 10, the Demo tonfilm made was also set at 10, so I keep it at 10, but I wonder what would happen if it would change it. (not that I will, because it works, but still)
Another Q:
Am I correct that I can only connect 64 buttons (notes) to 1 device, and than have to get another controller, and set that to a different channel?
Thnx already for the reply!! (and you should see the smile on my face!!)
via “buffer length” you set the maximum number of incomming midi-messages that get queued for output in the patch. only one message per vvvv-frame will be output in the patch while within a frames timespan more than one message could arrive.
set it to a high value (ie. 999) if you want to make sure that you receive every single midi-message arriving on your midi-interface. you will notice the patch still receiving messages after your stopped chaning values on your midi-device.
set it to a lower value if you want fast responses in the patch and don’t care about receiving all of the messages.
a value of 10 may be a good default for most situations where you don’t have to many midi-messages floating around but still want to make sure to receive all of them.
I found in the manual of my midi-divice that I can get an extra for 64 more notes, but in my case every note equals a button, and I am not going to use more than 64, for now.
I am using midi only for on/off switches, so I doubt that I will have more than 10 input changes every frame.
@ Jorig, you explain everything so well, are you a teacher? ;)