First of all sorry if is a duplicate question, I have searched the forum but maybe I was too dumb to search for the right thing.
I have a university project and I’m a first timer with VVVV. What I want to achieve is a kind of flashlight view.
I have an 3D object and based on the mouse movement (for now, since my laptop refuses to recognize the Kinect Xbox, the old one did, and I used the same drivers) I want to create this kind of flashlight effect where you can see just parts of the object, like when you are in a dark room and with the flashlight you see just a small circle, the rest is dark.
I use an 3D object (works fine) but I stumbled on the masking part, how to reveal just certain areas.
Another thing I did not managed to solve is that if I resize the render window the object gets distorted big time.
Thank you for any hints on how to achieve this effect.
I have tried the suggested option, but unfortunately I can still see the rest of the object, much darker but it is there, you can see it.
Regarding aspect ratio, I have one of those nodes but somehow when I resize the renderer is still distorted.
Thank you again and if anyone has some other ideas I would appreciate
+1 Westbam with the AspectRatio node. Pull it up in vvvv and press F1 to see the helppatch.
Another solution for ‘highlighting’ a certain part of your screen could be to create a png file with a hole on a otherwise black background. Put the image as a texture on top of a quad and cover the whole screen. This way you can only see the 3D scene through the hole in your texture. You can then create different textures (semi-transparent, gradients, etc) to achieve different visual styles.
Westbams solution is of course the proper way to do it but I’m not sure how confident you are as a nevvvvbie to play around with lightning directions in 3D scenes.