Manipulate Rows and Columns

It would be great if I can do some easy manupilating off the Rows and Collumns fron the IO-Box (spreads)

I was thinking about stuff like GetColumn, GetRow, ReplaceColumn, ReplaceRow, insert delete etc…

I know I can do that now as well, but it is soooo much work (and I am lazy)

Also, I wonder what the word PAGE means/does in the IOBOx.

page is for setting up a bigger internal slicecount than you can see with columns and rows. you can navigate to the additional slices with the SliceOffset pin. mainly useful when in ColsRowsPages mode.

such nice tweaks for the iobox are not really in sight…

How to set Collumns/page/grid and so on ?

open Inspektor ( CTRL-I ) and see manymany configuration options.

don’t work without inspektor. you miss llllots of vvvveatures.

@west: give xpath a try. you’ll be amazed, i’m sure!