anyone using Lumax node with Lumax device?
i’m going to buy one mini-Lumax for less than 200€…will let you know soon about it
eheh happy birthday to me
i received mini-lumax this morning…i’m quite excited
installed drivers and stuff, opened vvvv with lumax device and seems to work…
now the problem, i should rent a laser for few days experiments…will let you know soon
Woooo androsyn I’m very happy that you have the interface… I have the laser , come to Argentina hhaha
Please let us know what can you do with that… I mean.,. Can you get mamba graphics with that from vvvv ?
That would be amazing!.
I don’t know how much you can spend… But you van buy a cheap 15kpps 100mw laser with ilda at… I don’t know,… Here ir arg it’s less than 400uss… I guess that half of the price for sure
I tested minilumax with a a 30kpps green laser, and after some warnings from the owner, and having measured voltage going out from ILDA cable, we started testing it…well, it works, projecting shapes, and points cloud, still some work has to be done about blanking, i’m asking the developer…
Yo Androsyn. How did it work out with the minilumax in the end? I’m thinking about making a similar set-up.
testing dmx now
will let u know
well, i have to say that i’m a little puzzled…with its own testtool everything work fine (lights are fully controlled and motors too), but when using vvvv patch (lumax node) i can’t really send anything, anyone tried this?
so does anyone actually have experience using ILDA on the Lumax interface with vvvv?
So, I recently purchased a Minilumax interface, and am now trying to use it with vvvv. With the test tool i can see the device :
Current Firmware: 011000000001-00000001 FF 101 LXTN8FL3 16.307
Customer Code: none Dongle: available but unprogrammed
Hardware ID: n/a
but in vvvv, the Device Count is zero and Status is empty.
when i first load the Lumax node, I get:
Exception class: EAccessViolation
Exception message: Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000.
Exception address: 00000000
Main thread ID = 18500
Exception thread ID = 18500
Exception stack
Stack list, generated 11/23/2012 12:20:17
[006E82E8](006E82E8){vvvv.exe } LumaxNode.TMLumaxDeviceNode.EvaluateCB (Line 134, "LumaxNode.pas" + 8)
[006705BA](006705BA){vvvv.exe } ex9TransformNodes.TMMatrixTransform.SetMatrix (Line 1609, "ex9TransformNodes.pas" + 1)
[00670416](00670416){vvvv.exe } ex9TransformNodes.TMMatrixTransform.PreTransformUpStream (Line 1558, "ex9TransformNodes.pas" + 10)
[00403068](00403068){vvvv.exe } System.@FreeMem
[006728B0](006728B0){vvvv.exe } ex9TransformNodes.TMMTUniformScale.CalculateMatrix (Line 2309, "ex9TransformNodes.pas" + 1)
[00403068](00403068){vvvv.exe } System.@FreeMem
[00407473](00407473){vvvv.exe } System.@DynArrayClear
[0040718C](0040718C){vvvv.exe } System.DynArrayClear
[004071C3](004071C3){vvvv.exe } System.DynArraySetLength
[006A235C](006A235C){vvvv.exe } Events.TMEvent.Call (Line 399, "Events.pas" + 7)
[00414B2D](00414B2D){vvvv.exe } Variants.@VarClr
[006A23BD](006A23BD){vvvv.exe } Events.TMEvent.Call (Line 415, "Events.pas" + 23)
[00403068](00403068){vvvv.exe } System.@FreeMem
[00407473](00407473){vvvv.exe } System.@DynArrayClear
[0040718C](0040718C){vvvv.exe } System.DynArrayClear
[004071C3](004071C3){vvvv.exe } System.DynArraySetLength
[006A235C](006A235C){vvvv.exe } Events.TMEvent.Call (Line 399, "Events.pas" + 7)
[00414B2D](00414B2D){vvvv.exe } Variants.@VarClr
[006A23BD](006A23BD){vvvv.exe } Events.TMEvent.Call (Line 415, "Events.pas" + 23)
[00403068](00403068){vvvv.exe } System.@FreeMem
[00407473](00407473){vvvv.exe } System.@DynArrayClear
[0040718C](0040718C){vvvv.exe } System.DynArrayClear
[004071C3](004071C3){vvvv.exe } System.DynArraySetLength
[006A235C](006A235C){vvvv.exe } Events.TMEvent.Call (Line 399, "Events.pas" + 7)
[00414B2D](00414B2D){vvvv.exe } Variants.@VarClr
[006A23BD](006A23BD){vvvv.exe } Events.TMEvent.Call (Line 415, "Events.pas" + 23)
[00407325](00407325){vvvv.exe } System.@DynArraySetLength
[00403068](00403068){vvvv.exe } System.@FreeMem
[00407473](00407473){vvvv.exe } System.@DynArrayClear
[0040718C](0040718C){vvvv.exe } System.DynArrayClear
[004071C3](004071C3){vvvv.exe } System.DynArraySetLength
[006A235C](006A235C){vvvv.exe } Events.TMEvent.Call (Line 399, "Events.pas" + 7)
[00414B2D](00414B2D){vvvv.exe } Variants.@VarClr
[006A23BD](006A23BD){vvvv.exe } Events.TMEvent.Call (Line 415, "Events.pas" + 23)
[00407325](00407325){vvvv.exe } System.@DynArraySetLength
[00403068](00403068){vvvv.exe } System.@FreeMem
[00407473](00407473){vvvv.exe } System.@DynArrayClear
[0040718C](0040718C){vvvv.exe } System.DynArrayClear
[004071C3](004071C3){vvvv.exe } System.DynArraySetLength
[006A235C](006A235C){vvvv.exe } Events.TMEvent.Call (Line 399, "Events.pas" + 7)
[00414B2D](00414B2D){vvvv.exe } Variants.@VarClr
[006A23BD](006A23BD){vvvv.exe } Events.TMEvent.Call (Line 415, "Events.pas" + 23)
[00407325](00407325){vvvv.exe } System.@DynArraySetLength
[00414B2D](00414B2D){vvvv.exe } Variants.@VarClr
[0068F277](0068F277){vvvv.exe } Graph.TMPin.SetSliceCount (Line 2373, "Graph.pas" + 15)
[0068F39E](0068F39E){vvvv.exe } Graph.TMPin.Evaluate (Line 2427, "Graph.pas" + 3)
[0068F4FA](0068F4FA){vvvv.exe } Graph.TMPin._ValidateAllSlices (Line 2461, "Graph.pas" + 22)
[0068D204](0068D204){vvvv.exe } Graph.TMBasicNode.ValidateAllOutputs (Line 1228, "Graph.pas" + 2)
[006E8240](006E8240){vvvv.exe } LumaxNode.TMLumaxDeviceNode.PrepareGraph (Line 115, "LumaxNode.pas" + 0)
[0068D627](0068D627){vvvv.exe } Graph.TMBasicNode.PrepareGraphCB (Line 1377, "Graph.pas" + 2)
[006A2321](006A2321){vvvv.exe } Events.TMEvent.Call (Line 403, "Events.pas" + 11)
[0069F757](0069F757){vvvv.exe } MainLoop.TMMainLoop.DoTimer (Line 209, "MainLoop.pas" + 28)
[00509236](00509236){vvvv.exe } IdleTimer.TMIdleTimer.AppIdle (Line 165, "IdleTimer.pas" + 46)
[00481191](00481191){vvvv.exe } Forms.TApplication.Idle
[00480603](00480603){vvvv.exe } Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage
[004808EB](004808EB){vvvv.exe } Forms.TApplication.Run
[0088C2C1](0088C2C1){vvvv.exe } vvvv.vvvv (Line 24, "" + 7)
what now?
does it make a difference if you run with b28.1 or latest alpha?
it persists with the latest x86 alpha.
thing is…i don’t have a lumax at hand atm. anyone else with the same problem? or does it work for someone?
i solved the exception by adding lumax.dll to addonpack\lib\nodes\plugins. but, it’s still Device Count 0.
i tried creating a dynamic plugin with the lumax.dll, but i get “an attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format”.
hei dEp, sorry for the delay. please now try with latest alpha and follow the steps i added here: lumax (devices)
ok, just to quickly verify that the Lumax is detected with the latest alpha and the steps mentioned.
and even better: latest alphas now ship with lumax.dll so all you need to do now is install the driver for the devices as indicated on Lumax (Devices)