I installed vvvv sdk on my computer, and I have a sample C# project and a dll provided by the manufacturer, but I dont know how to convert that into a nice node :) (And I dont even know how to use the sample of the manufacturer …)
I also have a documentation, which indicate the functions used to communicate to the device.
If someone could explain me the steps to do this it would be really nice and I would enjoy to be able to write my own pluggins!
Thanks by advance,
PS: I attached the documentation and demo csproject if it can help.
Following Elias advices, above is the method to start with vvvv sdk and create your own node !
But as Tebjan suggest me, if you dont want to get into vvvv sdk, dont forget to use dynamic plugin (code editor embed in v4)
1 - Install vvvv sdk following the tutorial on the web site
2 - Open MyPlugins.sln
3 - Right click the “solution MyPlugins” on the topleft of the IDE --> Add --> New Project
4 - left click “C#” folder in the window displayed, select “Class Library” Give a name to you project and press Create
5 - The project appear in the IDE. Right click on “References” folder of the project and press “Add reference”
6 - In the Add reference windows displayed, click “Project” tab, select “PluginInterface” and press ok
7 - Add “Utils” as reference with the same method.
8 - Then as you just did for your new project, in “MyPlugins” project, add your new project as reference.
9 - Restart the IDE.
10 - Open MyPlugins.sln
11 - Press F5 (compile)
12 - The solution should now compile, and you should see your dll in the addonpack/lib/nodes/plugins folder
13 - In the IDE above your project you should see MyClass.cs, in that file copy and paste the code from a vvvv template (open v4, create a node call template - value, string, as you want, then right click on it and the code appear), In the PluginInfo… section, change the name as you want.
15 - Add System.ComponentModel.Codeplex.dll as reference to you project, you will find it in addonpack/src/thirdparty/
16 - close v4 and Press F5
17 - Once your project is compile you can open vvvv again and you if you enter the name you just choose you will find your node !
instead of creating a new project and adding references you can just clone a template and copy the project created by vvvv into the addonpack and add it to MyPlugins.sln. that saves steps 3 to 15… ;)