Liveapi - how to receive clip name

Ok does seem to be bugs still. I just tested the pans, vols and sends and these seemed to be working both ways. I think the tempo is not supposed to send anything unless you poll it, which does then return correctly. I found the clip name works but only when you call it.

I’ll try to test it more extensively when I get a chance.

These are the ones that currently are supposed to have listeners on:






I tested on VVVV beta21, Live 8.0.4 and Liveosc r35 from the Monome forum thread. Have everything working with the listeners, just a couple of them are not obvious in their behavior. The guys are still adding / changing the scripts, so a newer version may be a little bit different, but it does work.

The other thing I noticed is make sure your receiving UDP node in VVVV has it’s Queue Mode pin set to Spread!

Here is the behavior in live triggering the automatic OSC msgs to VVVV:

Returns on clip launch/end

Manual rename will return. All other changes will return EVERY track @/live/name/track as well as @ /live/name/trackblock

No return on manual rename. Returns when a clip is dropped into set, or moved in set.

All of these mixer controls work as you would expect. If you have multiple tracks selected, will return a spread.

Works same as track mixers

Works same as track mixers

hey mates,

if you didn’t notice by now: this is a wiki.

IMHO it makes sense adding your knowledge to Ableton Live.
it’s already linked in the documentation.

haha cheers Kalle. Good idea. I’ll pop any other general infos I come across about Live there.