I’m new on VVVV, and I have an electronic, IDM/Ambient project.
I’m not a proffessional of VVVV, but I love this software, and i’m fascinating about its live/capacities.
I want to create a live visual performance to acompany our audio performance, with, geometries, but also videos.
I’m on ableton + max for live, I have controllers.
I understand the concept of OSC, to communicate with vvvv.
But I need help to create complex geometries, I searched into contributions, maybe not a the best place… so if you know interesting patches to manipulate mesh, vertex or other stuff to create abstract geometries don’t esitate to share.
Another thing is the video part.
in VVVV, what is the best solution to play videos from disk? filestream like good, but the speed fonction on my computer doesn’t work. I try to décompose video image by image and use a player, but is not the best I think, and to cumber create…
I saw the VLC plugins but, I don’t understand how it work, can someone explain the concept please?
Are there video rack in VVVV?
Thanks all!
PS: I have an i5 3.2Ghz, geforce 630 (2Go), 8Go ram, SSD hard drive.
Welcome to V4.
I’m learning from a year now, and I did almost all you wrote.
No real live performance done yet but I build a lot of experimental patch doing this.
Here under you can find a little path I use for video.
Just select a directory where your video are locate, attach the layer out to a Renderer or the texture out to a a quad and play.
The forum and the contrib are containing a lot of examples and great ideas…
Its maybe due to your version of V4.
Use only X86 32bit
there is some missing plugins or features in the 64bit
Look at the Missing 64 bit buildsmissing in 64bit builds
I need an explication… I have windows 7 64bits.
I have 8Go ram.
If I use an application 32bits, can I use all of my ram? Or just 2Go like a Windows 32bit?