is it possible to launch Logitech camera settings software when launching a VideoIn node? I can trigger the Property Page but that s not enough to activate the presaved settings, at least with a C920, you have to hit the Advanced Settings tab then the settings are activated.
can be done using vvvv.packs.image
Arrr almost there, what if I want to set it to automatic gain and exposure? Do I need to do it the vvvv way == average lightness in the texture, and set the vaues accordingly? Or can I access the “automatic” tic box with CV ?
also you can try and see if the hidden camera-config pins on VideoIn (DShow9) (via inspektor) work for you.
No that doesn t seem to have that kind of configuration either. I think that the “automatic” values are calculated and set within the Logitech Software (LWS) so there is no way ot access them with the common Dshow9 interface.
I am pretty sure other cameras have an auto-exposure settings on the Windows property panel, I am thinking of uninstalling the Logitech software and see if I can make it work with standard Windos drivers. Any hindsight about that?
I can only say that i have the same problem and also tried with windows drivers with same result. (same camera)
What i did not do however is to see if there would be some kind of registry hack.
I ended up not using auto exposure, but if you come across a solution, let us know. Would love to resolve this issue, also for future projects.
That reminds me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p85xwZ_OLX0
I guess it did not help?
We decided to keep the machine on for one month…
is there a solution to this problem? I seem to have the same issue now with a 920C and I am having some trouble with Elliots image pack and video in.
any ideas?
the system is win7 64bit vvvv beta33.7x86 DX9