I am trying to use Kinect node (SDK 1.8 drivers) with its Player node to have the shape of the body but i would like to isolate just the hands from the Player node. In this way i can see the shape of my hands and draw with he image of them (not with skeleton).
Anyone knows how takes a portion of the body with Player node? @vux @antokhio
Hi, there, you can try to grab your hands position from the skeleton, transform let’s say sphere on them and create a luma mask for player texture to separate hands from body. This won’t work really good, when players hand intersecting with the body.
I’m not sure how robust your solution should be, there is a way also to test Kinect’s positon world texture against your joint world location to get the pixels of certain distance from joint center
I thought that in order to recognize the Player node it would be necessary to activate Depth and Skeleton from Kinect and then somehow you could select the part to show. But maybe it not feasible.