Kinect pixel shader

Hi guys.
I try to use a kinect depth to filter the hand on the table, I can’t use the hand node because I don’t see de the user, I only see the hand’s.

I can filter the image with using a simple pixelshader

float RED = 1;
float GREEN = 1;
float BLUE = 1;
float Tolerancia = 0;
float4 PS(vs2ps In): COLOR
float4 col = tex2D(Samp, In.TexCd);

if ( 
( col.r >= (RED-Tolerancia) ) && ( col.r <= (RED+Tolerancia) ) &&
( col.g >= (GREEN-Tolerancia) ) && ( col.g <= (GREEN+Tolerancia) )&&
( col.b >= (BLUE-Tolerancia) ) && ( col.b <= (BLUE+Tolerancia) )
	( col.r == RED ) &&	( col.g == GREEN )  && ( col.b == BLUE )
		return float4 (1,0,0,1);
		return col;
	return float4(0,0,0,1);		


I compare de each pixel with the expecific input color and apply a tolerance level to create a specific width zone.

The problem is:
When I put the hand in the escene, the range level change in the kinect depth image.
I adjunt the pacht.

test kinect.rar (5.6 kB)

Hi Jordi,
Using Kinect (Microsoft) your shader is working. (with some artifacts produced by the ir “shadow”) These filter may help when they’ll come…

I’m not sure what you want to achive, so I just clean the patch a bit.
I remember there was already a shader to do this…

PS: The depth gives you a L16 bit luminance texture…
Why consider RGB for filtering?
Sorry noob question.


test kinect (9.1 kB)