Keyboard help

I’m trying to use a keyboard(system global) to switch the value of an IO box. It is pretty simple to make the IO box change depending on 1 key but if i try to assign 2 keys (Q, W) i can’t plug both in my node. So, Here is how i done my thing:
I use Keyboard(System Global) and use a =(value) with the keycode. Then i multiply the result by the value i need(since the output is 1) and then i plug it in my IO box… But i can’t do it with 2 keys because i end up with 2 outputs for 1 input.
For those who did not understand this, i attached a simple patch that show my problem.

Thanks you very much for answering my question fast because i need the patch to be ready for tommorow,

KeyQuestion.v4p (7.3 kB)

maybe you are missing the RadioKeyMatch (String) and KeyMatch (String) nodes…

maybe you are missing the RadioKeyMatch (String) and KeyMatch (String) nodes…

KeyQuestion2.v4p (8.7 kB)


yesterday i was solving my problem with keyboard
i needed to use 6 keys to GetSpread

then i found for me new easy way
KeyMatch + MultyFlipFlop

i was so happy about this possibility