I’m trying to use a keyboard(system global) to switch the value of an IO box. It is pretty simple to make the IO box change depending on 1 key but if i try to assign 2 keys (Q, W) i can’t plug both in my node. So, Here is how i done my thing:
I use Keyboard(System Global) and use a =(value) with the keycode. Then i multiply the result by the value i need(since the output is 1) and then i plug it in my IO box… But i can’t do it with 2 keys because i end up with 2 outputs for 1 input.
For those who did not understand this, i attached a simple patch that show my problem.
Thanks you very much for answering my question fast because i need the patch to be ready for tommorow,
KeyQuestion.v4p (7.3 kB)