

I have made a led display. Now I want to a video displayed on de led display.
How can I manupulier th file stream so that I have de color pixel from the video to the led display with vvvv. I use a rs232 connection.


A Good start should be the Piper node

Screamer means pipet I am sure ;)

What is your resolution for the display? For High resolutions (like 1024*768) your framerate will become very low.

I have a low resolution. 32px32px. it is to try
What I want to achieve is:

RGB colors by sending over RS232 to my LED display with a μC. I have the colors needed to separate my pixels to process.

And how can I sending this color value to my rs232. I’m new on vvvv and I do not many node.


Okay, creating the 32x32 colorspread is the easy part, just your filetexture, a linearspread a cross and a Pipet, for starters, so the main trouble seems to be the RS232 thing.

What Microprocessor you on? An Arduino by any change?

Some nodes I used for my RS232 adventures where described here: . Read below where you can download the patch.

I have a linearspread, a cross and a pipet. I can slit my RGB color, but my color value is lower than 1, how can I convert it into a usable value.

vvvv uses values mostly between 0.0000 and 1.0000, that goes for the XY-cordinates, the LFO and for the colours etc… Check the MAP nodes to remap a 0-1 to 0-255 (if you want).

See the FUN (Frequently Used Nodes):
And some useful hints:

Map (Value)
MapRange (Value)
and their helppatches… F1

thanks all,

I think I have found it.

Now I have no speed. I can send the color data on the RS232 but it displayed one by one on the display.

I recieved the color data and send it immediately to the led display. Baut rate from the RS232 is 9600 and I send with SPI to the led drivers. these are TLC5940.

Since you are not giving much info, I can just speculate.

How do you send it to your LED? As a spread, or 1 slice at a time. vvvv runs in a certain framerate, like 100 frames/second, so if you send one slice a time, you will never get any speed. You need to use a + (String Spectral) at least, and than split this back on the receiving side.

I try to send data for one line. To try. One line are 96byes. This transmitting takes about 2 a 3 sec to transmitting 96 byte’s. The RS232 are setting on 9600 bauts.

I have a split my RGBA colors. Then a take the Red, Green and Blue nodes and Map this to a value from 0 to 255. I convert this to ascii for sending and with a switch can I choose with one sending first. I must sending Red, Green, Blue, Red, Green, Blue, … value.

I hope you can onderstand this.

I attached a patch showing how I would have done it.

The TLC594 is just the LED driver, it does NOT have any COM-port connection logic, so I assume you have some kind of Microprocessor doing all the logic, with some clever code on it.

Since I don’t know anything about your hardware setup, I cannot help.

Simple 32x32 colorspread to ASCII (8.7 kB)

My ledboard is 32x32px. I want to send data from the PC to my led board. I’m using the RS232 form the PC to my µC Atmega644 and the µC send the data to the led drivers via SPI.

My led driver need RGB data value. For PWM. It is a 16 channel shift register. My µC control 6 leddriver for 32x32px.

I want to displayed images, movie’s, animations on the screen. you got me all right help thanks for that.

the hardware is difficult to explain to me.

When I enable the Rs232 device. It go slower than I disable this. How can I fix this ?

What are slices ? Is it a frame, or is it a line. I don’t now.

I can send my rgb data to RS232 but only 8x8 pixels. by 32x32 pixels it going too slow but I think it is the software on my µC.
I need (by 16x16px) 768 byte’s to send to my frame buffer. This is 6144bits.

I use a 19200 bauts. It take’s me 3,2ms for send this buffer. This is to slow.

is there anyone who has an idea to solve this problem ? I use µC Atmega644.

And West, thanks for your help.
I’ve learned a lot.

I have a solution for my problem. I use now UDP client for sending data to my µC. This connection is fast enough to fill my buffer with data.

I can now loading 3072 bytes to my buffer or more.
I sent now a full frame 32x32px to about 350ns.

I’m working on a web page for my project so that everyone can enjoy this

Good to read you solved it, fast enough, UDP seems very clever, how did you connect your Atmega to a network? Love to see that blog man, good work!! :)

I use for connection to my µC a ethernet beard from mikroelectronics. This board use a ENC28J60 stand-alone Ethernet controller with an industry standard Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI).
Hier is the datasheet

UDP is fast enough for sending al my 768 byte, but I most chanse somthing about my software on the µC because my schreen is flikkering.