Is it possible to save a video as OGG media?

Is it possible to save a video as OGG media? I tryied the writer node and it shows the .ogg format in options, but doesn’t work… any idea? in .avi it can write, but now I need an ogg

from vvvv you can convert the AVI from writer using command line tool ffmpeg.

Hey, thanks for reply!
Well, I’m new (XD heard that before) so I’ll try to contact this people from FFmpg to ask what I need, but, can you tell me about this… is this a software, a library, or what? so, let’s focus! I need to write a video file in .ogg format from vvvv… I’ve been trying with write node and even you can see the various video format available in windows, even .ogg, it doesn’t write anything… just in .avi
Any idea?

And thanks again!

it is not possible to write .ogg files directly from vvvv. what xd_nitro suggested is that you render to .avi and then use an external tool (eg. ffmpeg) to convert the .avi to a .ogg.