IOBox String drag'n'drop

Before the beta25 version, i was able to drag and drop a file on an IOBox String and it was writing the full path of the file in the IOBox. It was really useful since it was a good way to load videos in FileStream node. In beta25 i am unable to do that and it was a really nice function.

So, i need to find a new way to load my files easly other than shift+click on the file and do copy as path. Since there is the new c# integration i was wondering if it was possible to create a node that have a single input: an enumeration of files in a chosen folder and the output would be the selected one. Ive been trying to write it but i can’t find the way to make dynamic (add new videos automatically as i add them in Users\Videos folder).

Thanks for answering,

this should still be possible of course… its a bug which some people have. do you start vvvv as administrator? if i do so, i can not drag anyhing on it… so i start it only once as admin and then normal.

but this is fixed for upcoming release…

Thanks a lot! I tried running VVVV as admin once then run it back in normal user and it worked.

But still, is there a way to do the enumeration thing i was talking about ?

Thanks again,

yes, should be possible, just clone a Template (Enumeration Dynamic), you can parse a folder and add the files to the dynamic enumeration using the EnumManager.

also try woeis DropDown (String) coming with the addonpack.

not being able to drag drop on iobox is related to this and is fixed for upcoming release.