IO Warrior 40 with I2C mode in v4


is it possible to use the specail Mode functions of the IOWarrior 40 in v4 ? Specialy the I2C mode seems interesting to get those things connected to v4
Bausteine für den I2C

great little link. michel and me do have i2c support on our longish wishlists.
with the current version of the IOWarrior node it is not possible to access the i2c modes. i hope we will find some time soon…

you could use an external microcontroller to convert serial to i2c. some googling revealed things like or

you can create i2c signals with the parallel port. in principle this can be done within vvvv with the port node.
note that this will be very slow, as you will need at least two frames to transmit one single bit over the bus with this method…

somebody might be able to find a i2c chip mounted on the motherboard which can be accessed over the port node as well. this might involve some soldering on your motherboard. temperature sensors on motherboards tend to use i2c as well.


but i’ll found those links with ideas how to connect I2C and Lan…

expensive but also intersting

  • die bastlerlösung
    The circuit look’s simple but I think the programing of the amtel microcontrolller would be complicate, and I dont know about the speed.

regards korriander

the c-control I unit-m available from conrad has rs232 and ic2 interfaces (plus 8 analog ports, 16 digital ports and more) can be programmed in basic and costs about 25 euros. i think you can easily setup to convert between rs232 and i2c

any updates? anyone in I2C?

high-efficiency charge pump with I2C interface drives seven white LEDs