Interactive Installation: Arduino & Friends meet animation

Hey there!
Sleeves rolled up for an art project again! your suggestions are more than welcomed!

5 motion sensor control (5 seperate speakers + 5 different audio file) + video mapping interactively

within a multiuser interactive scenario. I want to control video and audio at the same time. 5 interaction points via IR sensors. Each sensor triggers a different audio file heard from a different
At the same time on a 3072 x768px video, some parts next to the speakers will be animated.

audio part:
my first plan is to use 5 arduinos with mp3 shields connected to mini speakers.
do you think that it would function properly?

visual part: will be run as layered png sequences on a video file.

everything on 1 PC.

What do you think? Any other suggestions?
Thank you!

The arduino mp3 shield iirc only let s you send a play command you can t scrub along the file, I d go for a RPI A+ (20 euros) so you use something else like ffmpeg, vlc etc

RPI A+ = Raspberry Pi A+
Pretty obvious, but you never know; just to save someone a search.

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