it would be really helpful when the default value of the Lightness pin of HSL (Color Join) would be 0.5 and not 1.
cost about half an hour in each vvvvorkshop i did so far, because of people asking again and again why their quads are not colored, even if they spreaded the hue correctly.
one step further, we could discuss why color nodes’ default hues are different at all ( IOBox (Color) , HSL (Color Join) , HSV (Color Join) ). that’s VERY optional but could keep this thread on top :)
just wanna say: for most of vvvv’s functionality we really try to get vvvv backwards compatible in each realease.
i know sometimes it is not. but it would be good to collect the issues, why it is not, to get more sensible for possible problems next time. it also might be that newly introduced bugs are correctly considered as not compatible. but there is no conceptional mistake i know of.
see the listed changes from version to version in the difff.xml file.
here all changes are documented: sometimes pin names or node names have changed. sometimes the default value of a pin has changed. and sometimes when a new default functionality is introduced the old functionality is preserverd in legacy nodes and modules.
i would argue that without this effort vvvv would be far less compatible with older versions and it would be annoying.
let’s discuss new default values for nodes here for releases still to come.