How to generate an output pin for an IOBOX with Columns


how could I generate an output pin for an IOBOX with Columns in a plugin?

please try to be more clear about what you’re trying to achieve. the pins of a plugin don’t have anything to do with IOBoxes.

it seems to me you want to:

  • to create plugin with a spreaded output
  • then at some point connect that output to an IOBox
  • and then set that IOBox to show its spread in a column

would that be it?

almost, my intention is to fill a IOBOX with 5 rows and 5 columns (5x5). in c# a simlple multidimensional array.

got something in the making. still waiting for a feature already requested at joregs

not sure what @woei is talking about

the iobox has no notion of multiple dimensions and to/from plugins multiple dimensions are expressed with binsizes. @mindthegap you are aware of those?

@joreg IPin2 SliceCount setter

Pin Attributes have the power to kind of layout an iobox, so there is definitely a connection between the two.

This is assuming @mindthegap means something akin to what GetMatrix (Transform) is doing, when middleclicking a new iobox from the output pin.


I tried this one.

with ^code:
FOutputi = i * FInputi.SliceCount +j;
^ I can count through the 2 dimensial IOBox


- region usings
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;

using VVVV.PluginInterfaces.V1;
using VVVV.PluginInterfaces.V2;
using VVVV.Utils.VColor;
using VVVV.Utils.VMath;

using VVVV.Core.Logging;
- endregion usings

namespace VVVV.Nodes
	#region PluginInfo
	[PluginInfo(Name = "SpectralMatrix", Category = "Spectral", Help = "Basic template with 2 dimensional spread with bin size input", Tags = "")](PluginInfo(Name = "SpectralMatrix", Category = "Spectral", Help = "Basic template with 2 dimensional spread with bin size input", Tags = ""))
	#endregion PluginInfo
	public class SpectralSpectralMatrixNode : IPluginEvaluate
		#region fields & pins
		[Input("Input", DefaultValue = 1.0)](Input("Input", DefaultValue = 1.0))
		public ISpread<ISpread<double>> FInput;

		public ISpread<double> FOutput;

		public ILogger Flogger;
		#endregion fields & pins

		//called when data for any output pin is requested
		public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax)
			FOutput.SliceCount = FInput.SliceCount;

			for (int i = 0; i < FInput.SliceCount; i++) {
				FOutput[i](i) = 0;
				for (int j = 0; j < FInput[i](i).SliceCount; j++){
					FOutput[i](i) = i * FInput[i](i).SliceCount +j;