How to: DMX 32bit (DMX Encode)

how to encode 32bit (or 64bit) correct?
in the example i used kalles 16bit encode.
24bit with radix works too. how does it work with >24bit?
what needs the input and output base to be at the radix node?
thanks in advance with kind regards,

32bitEncode.v4p (35.7 kB)

nobody?.. no text …

hi armin, sorry for late reply.

further reading:

if you want to do that yourself, do not download my IEEESingle (DMX En/Decode)-modules kalle.modules.dmx.universal .
but there are some more modules to encode/decode things to DMX which you don’t expect there…

thanks kalle. this looks nice.
i will check those out and try to understand.

posted that as comment under the screenshot blog thingy, save a hunch of nodes

try after your map: SpellValue (String) -> Add (String Spectral) -> Ord (String) with format set to IEEESingle
less nodes, same result

dear woei:

thx for that hint, will try soon.
do you have something similar for encoding?