I am just wondering what hardware is required to split vvvv signal across these 8 LED walls?
I am just wondering what hardware is required to split vvvv signal across these 8 LED walls?
Usually led walls come with a mapper that takes a video input and then you assign and scale sections to the wall that you have, so in this case it would have been 1 feed in all probability and split in hardware
or they come with an Ethernet connector, so you can use the eCue/eNet nodes to directly send out the content of a renderer via Ethernet to the panels.
or use Pipet to create DMX or ArtNet
Actually I’ve been meaning to ask is it possible to have an ecue texture recieve node to send textures between machines?
would anyone be interested in creating an interface that would allow live control of these screens? ie VU meters, colors, some patterns?
The LED wall I used at The House Quake Party, comes with a simple mapper box that takes DVI signal, and maps it over the LED walls.
How ever, the first time we used it, the mapping software was still in Chinese, so I used vvvv to map each LEDwall segment.
Was a drag, but in the end I had individual control over every piece of the LEDwall, so I could use 2 segments that where not integrated in the wall as a very cool light fixture :)
[|Read this about my housequake experience…
I did something simulair again this weekend, but this time I used my own visuals (part vvv, part movies) with Artnet input (even better!!) and my little Korg NANO mini Midi controller. (2 nights high speed patching… it was sooooo cool to do)
If you take your time, look at all the user patches, I am prety sure you can find it all there… not that hard to do. A smart interface is a totally different story though…