He there i try to use the happy. fxh noise file and am wondering how I use the fbm defines
#define FBM(name, basis, p, persistence, lacunarity, octaves) \
float sum##name = 0.0; \
float amp##name = 1.0; \
float totalAmp##name = 0.0; \
float freq##name = 1.0; \
for(int i##name=0; i##name <= octaves; i##name++) \
{ \
sum##name += basis((p+i##name*27.3) * freq##name) * amp##name; \
totalAmp##name += abs(amp##name); \
amp##name *= persistence; \
freq##name *= lacunarity; \
} \
float name = sum##name/totalAmp##name
I tried it like this float2 bla = FBM(perlinFBM, perlin, i.uv, 0.5, 2, 3); but it does not compile are there any examples for usage?