HAP texture freezes ~1sec when looping large file

Hi all,
hi @lev

When I loop my hap_q 5760x1080@60fps bg video, the video freezes at the last frame for ~1second at the end of every loop. Player Status is always “playing”. looping my overlays (10 pieces of hap_q_alpha 512x512@60fps) works flawlessly. Their playback is not interrupted by the frozen background. Dropped frames = 0 overall.


Also tried with Vsync on or off. No change.
Already tried chunk sizes 1,4,8 for the large bg video. same.

Samsung 970 Evo Plus pcie ssd, should be fast enough.
Is that a technical limitation? Should I split the video?
Should I change the resolution to a multiple of 16 instead of 4?

please advise

helo there,

just tried an hap_q video similar to yours (1 minute, 5760*1080@60fps), not hiccups so far.
GTX 980, old SSD.

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Hi sebescudie, thanks for your time. Did you encode with the patch from the pack site? https://vvvv.org/contribution/demolition-media-hap-player
I am on Quadro RTX4000 and Ryzen7 here.

Please post your playback patch.


You could try a newer ffmpeg binary or the hap encoder for adobe (media encoder).

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I generated an HAP test file with the following command : ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc=duration=60:size=5760x1080:rate=60 -c:v hap -format hap_q out.mov. Pretty useful :)

Thanks guys,

reencoded with CC media encoder.
now playing as expected.


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Hi, what’s wrong with the Encoder patch? Is that some general ffmpeg-related problem I’m not aware of?
Btw there is also a better quality Hap encoder for AE: https://jokyohapencoder.com

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