hmm. retro machine runs wonderful under beta9. with beta10 i get a grey renderer on my old vaio. apart from downgrading errors i get the following log.
00:00:23 ERR : Corrupt link-message in Patch C:\vvvv\vvvv_33beta10\girlpower( retro machine )_root.v4p. srcViewPin or dstViewPin is nil!
00:00:23 ERR : Corrupt link-message in Patch C:\vvvv\vvvv_33beta10\girlpower( retro machine )_root.v4p. srcViewPin or dstViewPin is nil!
00:00:23 ERR : Corrupt link-message in Patch C:\vvvv\vvvv_33beta10\girlpower( retro machine )_root.v4p. srcViewPin or dstViewPin is nil!
00:00:23 ERR : Corrupt link-message in Patch C:\vvvv\vvvv_33beta10\girlpower( retro machine )_root.v4p. srcViewPin or dstViewPin is nil!
after opening retro machine all dx9 renderers are grey.
a freshly started beta10 will create working dx9 renderers without problems.
apart from the bug above beta10 runs quite smoothly. respect. we will test it with the alpha-karnickels here in berlin.
one ore bug note: actually i can run sanchs retro machine from a few days ago without any problems (see zip enclosed) within beta10 - so its probably something in the patch.
after loading the new retro machine, the old one will also just give a grey screen.
after closing both and just opening the old one, it again works like a charm. wonderful patch anyway.
if i now open the new one again, the old one ceises to work and the new one still doesnt work.
after closing the new one, the old one stays defunct.
setting the width of the dynamictexture to 16 makes the patch run nicely.
as soon as i set it to 15 the renderer freezes without an error message in the tty.
setting it back to 16 will keep it freezed.
i need to delete the whole patch to make it run again
on beta10 retro machine starts, but just with gray stripes.
as soon as mr. oschatz changes the width of the dynamictexture to something else, i get a blue screen and my computer reboots.
I can confirm the grey retro machine carc_ti is reporting on one (and only one) machine here (I do not get the described bluescreen). This PC is using a NVidia GeForce 5900XT.
Retro machine looks like it looks when unchecking the repair box in Herr Inspector.
Renderer (TTY) says:
00:16:35 * : Texture (Width: 13, Height: 1, Format: A8R8G8B8, Mip Map Count: 1) couldn’t be created because of the following reasons:
You tried to create a texture with width 13 and height 1. However …
Device conditionally supports the use of 2-D textures with dimensions that are not powers of two. The following criteria have to be met:
The texture addressing mode for the texture stage is set to D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP.
Texture wrapping for the texture stage is disabled (D3DRS_WRAPn set to 0).
Mipmapping is not in use (use magnification filter only).
Texture formats must not be D3DFMT_DXT1 through D3DFMT_DXT5.
I found two ways to bring the color back to the retro machine on this PC:
Changing Width of the Dynamic Texture to one of the values 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32…
Changing the Mip Map Count of Dynamic Texture to any value except 1mm (what is the original setting in the patch)