German DMX book for beginners with links to vvvv


just for your information, especially for German freaks of lighting technology. A book in German language with the titel “Lichttechnik für Einsteiger” (“Lighting engineering for beginners”) was published some weeks ago, see also . It refers to some vvvv patches to explain several concepts of fixtures and DMX technology and to Kalle’s DMX pages, too. Thanks to Kalle again for some review activities.

I would be happy if any expert of vvvv could support us in improvements of the vvvv patches for update:

BR Frank

(info at

Any chance of english release?

Great idea! ;)
But I’m afraid my English is not sufficient for such translation project.

How many pages you wrote? Maybe a good idea to make someone translate it .;]] On russian also ,;]

hi franck ! no wiki ?