i have this Futurelight usb2dmx box + application called X-Control.
it also comes with a different version of dashard.dll than the one from rodin
i get ‘driver error’ message from the dmx node if i put it in the /bin/
would this box be somehow usable with vvvv ?
try to put the dashard.dll right next to the vvvv.exe, NOT into the /bin/.
of course you have to restart vvvv
if still without success see @karistouf’s userpage… and search for littlecat or littlemouse :)
if it doesn t work as dashard, set it as sunlite suidi-6C.
i promise , if i found time after arduino / artnet work , to try to code some plug ins for open dmx and suidi 6C
for now, i had the rodin come around but thanks for the tips
im having one more question
i use pipet to read some colors and send them over dmx to rgb-y led bars
regarding rgb to rgby conversion, i found this formula:
comp = 0;
min = min(R,G)
Y = (R - min) + (G - min);
R -= min * comp;
G -= min * comp;
im not sure what -= means but anyway here is the patch,
does it make sense in this case ?
RGBY (Color Split).v4p (7.1 kB)
why dont you just send R G B outputed from pipett ? the intensity is already contained in addition of R G B.
Usually Led device will not show anything for a Black:
R: 0 G: 0 B:0 Intensity : 255
or are you using 16bits LEDS ?
i think there is an additional yellow led, he wants to calculate
cmj leds or is it the green information, that usually is outputed from global minus r+b ?
i assume that analog to HLSL
R -= min * comp;
R = R - (min * comp);
furthermore i assume that your “Yellow” is more like an “Amber”.
attached is an approach of mine for a RGBAW device (means : RGB+Amber+White)
too lazy to go into details now, sorry, see attachment…
RGBAW (Color).zip (13.5 kB)
yes, the lamp has a fourth yellow/amber led
i will test this conversion method, found here
RGBY (Color Split).v4p (8.8 kB)
learning every day ! thanks