Is there an obvious reason why Filestream will not show file info (ie. duration, etc.) from the loaded file unless it is attached to a renderer?
ioa…this is because as long as there is no renderer the directshowgraph is not setup and therefore the info is not available. this could have been realized differently internally. but i think it won’t change soon.
for the wishlist: a filestream in loop mode who encounters seek positions outside of the first loop. should work as if the looped video had an infinite length.
should intenally wrap these seek times around the duration and seek to the position modulo length, and
should output the video position in the loop segment which was given by the seek time (so if you out seek time 1000 in a video with length 51 you the current position will be 1000
as kalle already written somewhere an OverFlow pin and/or a Count output pin would be nice