Hello all. I’m a new vvvv user playing around with fiducial trackers to control video and audio output. Most things are going pretty smoothly, but there’s one thing that i’m having a hard time wrapping my head around. If i set the rotation value of the tracker to control something like volume, and it hits the max value of 1 it keeps going and starts over at 0, making the volume jump from the loudest output to nothing and increases again. How could i limit the rotation value on a fiducial tracker so when it hits 1 it stays at that value until the tracker is rotated the opposite direction? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
Hi, S+H(Animation) and =(value) are your nodes…i guess…
Thanks Desaxismundi. I’ve been playing with the two things you mentioned and can’t say I understand how to use them to accomplish what I’m looking for. Any chance I could get a little more detail from ya? Thanks and sorry for bein such a noob, but I’m learning. :)
you can use a “map (value)” node and set it to clamp. this way the value keeps always in the range you specify with min max…
the second problem you have is that you have a changing slicecount in your spread means a value only exist as long the tracker tracks the fiducial… here the s&h node can help. but you have to check which particular (probably with the id of the marker) slice disapears and set s&h to zero in at this moment…