i am testing elliot’s ps3eye-opencv-125fps tracking system for an augmented table tennis game.
problem is right now the camera, being mounted 2.5m above the table:
its signal is being delayed by the 10m (screened usb2) extension.
any suggestions for reducing usb latency ?
could a powered hub between cam and usb extension reduce the delay ?
considering udp is not delayed as is usb, should i mount a laptop near the camera and do all the tracking up there and send coordinates over network ?
i blink really fast with the hands and i can tell a small delay over the usb extension that is not there when the camera is plugged directly into the computer. i’dd say it is relevant for the dynamics of the table tennis game
if you want to measure more precisely - 1. capture preferably with 50/60 fps some sharp actions and their first render targets in vvvv: e.g.: drop the tennis ball on table in front of PC monitor, displaying vvvv renderer. 2. count the frame difference. https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/8408
I use (IDS cam) 40 meter USB without any additional latency