EXPORT: Access to the path 'NuGet.config' is denied

Suddenly I get the ERROR:
vvvv gamma 2021.4.0-0110-gd1322231db preview

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path ‘NuGet.config’ is denied.
at System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean throwOnTopLevelDirectoryNotFound, WIN32_FIND_DATA& data)
at System.IO.Directory.Delete(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean checkHost)
at VL.Lang.Roslyn.Export.SolutionBuilder.d__28.MoveNext()
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at VL.Lang.Roslyn.Export.SolutionBuilder.d__27.MoveNext()
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at VL.HDE.Forms.AppExporterForm.<ExportButton_Click>d__15.MoveNext()
Cleaning build directory (C:\Users\Hello!\Documents\vvvv\gamma-preview\Exports\src)

I think it’s a windows problem - but I don’t know how to fix and Google doesn’t give me a good hint or I do not really know what to ask

Any Hints?

Just a hunch but maybe it’s because the path (the username) contains an ! ?

I know, it wasn’t my best Idea to use the Username “Hello!” but it was always working in Exporting Gamma - and there is an other Machine with Same Username and Export is working - I try to find If something is blocking the .config File - I also deinstall and Install all of Gamma … No sucess - I’m more curious what the ERROR can be and If I’m the only one

Does it work with older versions?

Have you tried the stuff suggested here?:

And maybe you could also try to run vvvv as administrator.

Thanks @bjoern
I went through this link - NoSuccess
start as Admin also NoSuccess

Now I made a new Account “Hello” - and export works again
The other machine “Hello!” - export works too

No idea why - but changing Account solved the problem - it’s ok, in my case
and to have an “!” in UserName is anyway stupid

Restart and suddenly again: same EXPORT problem

Cleaning build directory (C:\Users\Hello\Documents\vvvv\gamma-preview\Exports\src)
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path ‘NuGet.config’ is denied.
at System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper(String fullPath, String use…

but this time I switch Off all VirusDefender things and restart GAMMA - suddenly I could EXPORT
I switch On again all VirusDefender things and restart GAMMA - same ERROR, couldn’t EXPORT

what - why

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