Hat von euch schonmal jemand “expolite elt 25 VideoTile”-Panels ohne die dazugehörige “ArtLight”-Software angesteuert?
Die arbeiten mit einem eigenen Protokoll (kein ArtNet) und wir wollen die aus vvvv heraus ansteuern und benötigen dringend know-how/nodes/patches… :)
You can use wireshark to peek at the messages they are sent, and then try and reverse engineer it…
Set up a filter in wireshark so you only see messages sent to a certain IP address (i.e. the panel) and record the data, then in vvvv have a look at the values via file reader->Raw as value.
It useful to send a known image i.e. alternate white then black, or all red then all green then all blue, and look for 255’s in the output (or do it in hex of course ;) but hex is for hexen!
BEWARE!!! wooooooo……