Exchanging the “/ (Value)” node with ioboxes connected by “* (Value)” causes something strange to happen…
…ehm. can you elaborate on that? something REALLY strange?!
well, I thought it was strange because I can’t think of an explanation for this…
The *-node appears with three inputs and you cannot change it back. You have to delete it.
ok. but i still not get your scenario: can you provide an example patch with a before/after situation?
Try the following:
- Create a / (Value) node
- Conntect two IO Boxes to its inputs and set some values
- Replace the / (Value) node with a * (Value) node by doubleclicking on “/” and entering “*”
Now you should have a * (Value) with three fixed inputs.
If you can’t confirm this, meaning this happens only on my machine, I would find it even stranger…
ok. thanks for this amazing bug. never had this before.
gets me to ask:
why is the input 1 of the division just called “Input”?