Effects, Modules and Plugnis


My vvvv folder is confusing.
I want to know whats the difference between Effects, Modules and Plugnis.
I know where to put what according to tags in Contributions and sometimes common sense.
Are there any formal definitions for each one?

about addons

and: https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/8636

The same for Freeframes and VST (separate folders)?

nodes and paths
files included in this release

good point: freeframes and vsts are different. they will only appear in the nodebrowser when in the
directories or in the respective \addonpack directories.

alternatively you can dragdrop freeframes/vst .dlls on a patch directly and they will be referenced from where they are. in order to follow tonfilms rule (not to change anything insided the vvvv and addonpack directories) this could therefore be a good choice for private freeframes/vsts.

wooohooo!.. no text …