early in january this year I reinstalled windows 10 on my machine, I did it after having struggled getting texture sharing working.
I use this to test if it is working: https://vvvv.org/sites/default/files/user-files/sharer-1.v4p
I tested ot at regular intervals after the reinstall and it worked nicely. but now it doesn’t work any more, I tried figuring out why and uninstallaed lots of things but nothing worked.
Now I have installed my machine from scratch, format of SSD and still no luck, fresh downloaded version of vvvv and DX11, runnning with the /dx11mode:nvidia parameter.
it is 2 to 3 weeks ago I tested it last time and back then it worked, so now I am suspecting that it is a windows update causing it.
am I alone or can some of you confirm this with a win10 64bit machine with all the latest updates?
what to do, I can’t keep wiping my machine, that is a bit tedious in the long run.
EDIT: TTY has this suspicious line coming out:
00:00:16 : E_INVALIDARG: An invalid parameter was passed to the returning function (-2147024809) Handle: 1073745282 Format: A16B16G16R16F