Dual screen video + Queue on 2nd output

I’ve been trying to get some patches to work with the renderer on output 2 of a dual head (macbook pro)
I’m using a video in with a queue texture on it going to quad->renderer->dxtexture->quad->renderer, both renderers open output 2.
I get flashing frames and tty errors on strarting this patch, its only a dual head thing though I think…

Dual screen bug.v4p (4.5 kB)

i have similar problems …
drag the renderer on second screen: corrupt image/flashing frames or black screen
if you drag it back on the first screen: mouse right click on nodes pins / close patch / quit vvvv doesn’t work …

you can test with
Kalle echo shader’s (which also use the queue texture)

i assume that both of you refer to fullscreen renderers?

well, apart from that:

the Renderer (EX9) has a configuration pin “Device” which is set to -1 by default.
once upon a time changing this pin’s value helped me in exactly this situation.
but i also remember joreg advising better not to touch this pin…

another thing:
qouting the change log → 33beta14.9 - 26 03 08

  • new commandline switch: /dda X (where X is the device ID of the device a renderer will go fullscreen on startup) only needed if having troubles going fullscreen on any device other than the primary (which would be 0)

hope that sth of this helps…

I can second that issue too, though not on a mac (XP rack PC), and using only two pipelines with Filestream > Videotexture > Quad > Renderer. The solution I came up with, when the task was playing two videos in sync, was to combine the two 800x600 videos to a single 1600x600 vid, set span mode in the display settings of the NVidia driver and the latter resolution in both settings and full screen res. Obviously, only a workaround though.

Will have to remember /dda X :)

Ahh, didn’t know that kalle, nice!
This is actually occuring when not in fullscreen for me though too, I’ll see if that switch helps! I had tried the device pins, but they just stop renderering then, are they meant to be used in conjunction with the device node? I’ve never worked out what to do with that, if anything!
I’m wanting to do some live patching, with some tracking going on, gigs tonight too, so just in good time…


same here… problem occur in window mode…only!!!
after testing many configuration
i think it is related to the queue (EX9.texture) node

if i save my patch (echo4) with the render window
in fullscreen mode on the second screen…everything is ok

if i save it in window mode on the secondary screen
the patch become unusable :
flashing frames / can’t delete nodes/can’t close patch etc…

this is strange cause i don’t remember having this kind of issues
previously… could it be related to the SlimDX thing and
the GC memory handling ??