Drag Quad to Center

hey devvvvs, i have a question about drag and drop quads, i already see the girl power but what i wanna do is, i have a list of quads on the side of renderer and i want to drag one quad to the center, and if it already in the center i can replace it by drag another quad from the list to the center and the previous quad back to where it belong.

here i attach my unfinished patch

Sociolla.zip (10.9 KB)

thank you in advance :)

oke i already figure it out using s+h and set slice, there is something else that i want to ask, how to create a drop down list from quad(if i select the quad, there will be more quad below it)?

if you guys have suggestions or link on how to create it would be really helpful :)

thanks in advance :)

Sociolla_drag_resize.zip (12.4 KB)

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