Displaying BC6_UFloat16 texture

Hi there!
I’m trying to output a DX11 texture of format BC6_UFloat16, which consists valid data in that format. I see only a black texture in both Renderer (using FullscreenQuad) and Preview node. So I wonder whether there is a default rendering mechanism for such textures or should I write a custom shader for displaying it. Anyone worked with HDR textures?

I think I had troubles with some specific formats, and vux told me that there is no support for some special textures, I think they are properly read but then you have to convert them to something that Texture2d can read… (eg R32 float or R32G32B32A32 float4)…

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Thanks @antokhio !
In the end, I realized that it was my own mistake and I didn’t set up the texture correctly.
I can confirm BC6_UFloat16 format is working correctly in both VVVV and VL now.
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