Difference between two transforms


i am trying to find out the difference between two transforms.
so i have one transform and one point in space (x, y, z), and i need the transformation that iis necessary to get from the end point of the first transformation to that point in space.

it is not only vector math (c = b-a), becasuse the first transformation also includes a rotation that influences the vector that will go from the first transformation to the point in space.

any recommendations are welcome, thanks!

it seems that you are mixing up quite some stuff here.

first, a transformation is not “a point is space”, it is a transformation that can be applied to a vector.
a vector is also not a position, unless its bound to the origin.

so maybe you can rephrase the question a bit…? what vector do you want to transform from where to where?



basically what i want to do is to have one ‘root object’ that has a certain position and rotation, and four other points in space that have a fixed relation to the position and rotation of that root object.

but i am missing these 4 fixed relations between ‘root object’ and the four points, i have only absolute coordinates of all of them.

is that more clear?


have a look at this - maybe it is what you intend to do…

moveToTarget.v4p (18.8 KB)

Hi…i am a new user here. Actually a transformation is not a point is space, it is a transformation that can be applied to a vector.Also vector is not a position, unless its bound to the origin.

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