Delete folder


is it possible to delete folders directly in vvvv
or the shell execute + .bat is the only way?

we had a discussion about creating folders here. i added some of the significant bits to the ShellExecute (Windows) .

In short: yes - shellexecute is the way; no - you wont need a batch file.
and: yes, you could post a little module for anybodys convenience.

a very simple patch
with some basic dos commands:
feel free to add some more

For The Folders, always add " " so it still works with foldernames that contain a space (learned it the hard way ; ))

modified patch…now support space in folder names

thanks west

thx circuitb,
for your findings!

wrapped them into some modules: see kalle.Modules.File

nice kalle :)
the Compare (File Directory) is really helpfull